Outsource your Software Development with us!

Achieving your software development needs with 100% quality.

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    Software Development Outsourcing

    Your work as an entrepreneur might be greatly tested because of the new normal and how Covid-19 is forcing your entire workforce to go virtually remote. That said, your customers still need attending to and you may need to consider outsourcing a software development team to ensure that your apps are functioning properly. It’s good not to just choose any provider but select an outsourcing company whom you trust.

    Here are some of the advantages if you choose to outsource your software development

    icons and a laptop - a staple of software development outsourcing

    1. Predictable costs

    You can control the costs and you don’t have to invest in an office nor sign off on equipment that is your own to get started with your development tasks and processes. As long as you set clear parameters for what your app is like, there’s no reason you cannot offshore these tasks to another country. And most of all, you get to be the sole vendor because finding the right outsourcing company will allow you to keep your operations in the way you would like them and you can develop your products for a given timeline hiring remote staff who know what your sensibilities are like.

    1. Access to global resources

    If there are things you cannot access just yet, it might be costly to purchase your own software and tools and perform trial and error which you may not have the time for. Access to more than the usual resources you have allows your developers to tweak things to your liking but without you having to worry about sharing any major liabilities because your remote staffing partner has provided all the goods. Simply look for a remote office who is willing to find the staff and apprise you regarding what goods and products they can offer.

    1. Flexibility

    This is probably the most important aspect. You don’t have to worry about growing or scaling your operations if the need for your staff gets larger or if you’re going to need to hire others from different disciplines. There is obviously a lot of concerns with recruitment, training and other administrative functions if you hire them in-house. If you focus on your core tasks though, you can are likely to oversee the whole process and embed your own sensibilities to the brand because you aren’t bogged down with all the minutia.

    1. Hire from the best IT professionals

    While there are no doubt many talented IT folks onshore, it’s more flexible if you outsource them to a remote staffing provider who can pool from the best. You don’t have to negotiate salary rates because if you find the right staffing company, you will be ensured that your IT personnel are compensated well and they are highly motivated at doing their jobs.

    1. Labor code compliance

    If you offshore your operations, the right staffing company is obviously going to give you your remote employees complete with all their labor requirements. You don’t have to remit anything yourself, you simply pay for the price of your staffing package and your outsourcing partner will take care of the rest of the tasks including staffing and admin tasks.

    1. Lesser risk

    Since incorporating or opening your own office over there might shoot your overhead costs, not to mention the price of hardware you may need to procure. With the right offshore remote staffing partner, you get a business partner who is willing to shoulder most of the risk including leasing your remote staff the equipment and tools which help you produce, develop and build your own software.

    1. Access to other teams

    It’s also easier to go to market with an outsourcing company. The thing about that is you may also have access to a digital marketing team, people who can align the software development needs together with market research and targeting the right people. As your apps are ready for deployment, then you can export your website or your apps accordingly and follow a digital marketing timeline which you dictate and customize to your liking.

    What you get from iSuporta outsourcing

    Software development at iSuporta gives you three things and these are crucial to any operation that wants to remote staff.

    Complete Equipment and office space

    You the PC’s, desk space and office space necessary for your staff to operate. With Covid-19 we have complied with all the necessary precautions and hardware and software hurdles we had to go through to continue our operations across all departments. By the time office operations are in full throttle, you get a Remote Office with 24/7 tech support,  dual power and Internet.

    On site supervisor

    Supervision is important if you don’t want your developers to slack off, this allows you to be able to manage your tasks while at the same time not feel the need to breath over the noses of your staff. A successful outsourcing company always provides the remote employees in addition to an on site supervisor.

    Full cost transparency

    You pay for what you get. iSuporta is the only Business Process Outsourcing company that allows you to see the full cost of availing your remote staff. You don’t have to pay for any additional overhead costs, what you see is what you get. And you get to decide the number of staff and what manner of equipment and software they use.

    At iSuporta, we’ve got your back. You don’t have to shell out the inflated costs of renting an office in the States nor do you have to compromise quality and rely on freelancers who often practice no transparency and accountability at work. We are experts in Remote Office Staffing and 100% conscientious when it comes to Work from Home arrangements.

    iSuporta outsourcing is managed remote staffing. Your operations, your way, 100% quality and 100% accountability.

    Contact us if you’re ready to outsource your software development.